Category: PSA: Make a Connection, Feel the Love
Student: Emma B
Age Division: 6-8
Title: PSA: Make a Connection, Feel the Love
PSA Reflection and Process
I used flipaclip to create the animation. I was inspired by my love of animation and my love for animals. I begin by thinking about a topic I want to sketch. For this animation, I decided to sketch out a girl that got a dog. The dog was wanting to play, but she was on her phone. This is a connection that won’t last, but if you make a connection with a pet, the love and friendship is a connection that will last. So, my message is to make that connection with your pet or ADOPT A PET and make a connection that will last.
To create the animation, I use flipaclip. Then I sketch out all of my own characters on the scene. I love to draw so that is what makes this animation more personal. Once I draw an animation, I go ahead and color it so I don’t have to color over the animation. However, in this particular animation, I waited and colored everything after I put it in my animation. Then I went back and added the text. After I was finished, I added the movie to an iMovie. Since it was a playful situation with the dog, I wanted to add playful music. So, I added “Why” by Freckland from within the iMovie app. Then I added black backgrounds and put them in title screens. All of this combined made a 30 second PSA.
It was a great experience putting my animation in a PSA. I love making animations. I usually create 2 or so a week, but it depends on how long it takes me to make one. Sometimes I spend several hours for two or three days. Sometimes, I can finish one in a day. It truly depends on my motivation for doing the animation. I hope my work with animation in this PSA can make a difference.